personal | stoney myspace survey!

4:20 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Do you remember Myspace? Of course you do, if you're over the age of 21 (and if you're not, and it's not legal for you to be on blogs like mine, please leave! I'll see you in a few years!) One of my favourite parts of Myspace, besides the politics of picking your top 8 and holding your camera just so above your head to get that perfect angle, was all of the bulletins and surveys. I ate that shit up! It was a ton of fun sharing my "edgy" side with all my Myspace friends and taking time to answer the important questions like, "have you ever skinny dipped?" (yes) or "why did you cry last?" (because I'm an emo bitch)

Even though my Myspace has been shut down for years (at least I hope it's shut down) I still love taking these bizarre surveys, and when I found one for potheads I thought, this is it! Feel free to fill in the blanks on your own in the comments or on social media of your choice and let me get to know you a little better, too!
What is your favourite method of smoking? (bong, joint, bowl, pipe, etc):Definitely bongs! I love my bongs.
Have you ever made your own smoking device?:I've used apples and cans but I've never blown glass or anything. I think it would be a cool experience.
Have you ever smoked out of a gravity bong?:Nope.
Which smoking device do you feel gives you the best high?:My pink bong is the biggest so I'm inclined to say that, but I find switching pieces when I've hit a tolerance plateau helps get me high again.
How much weed do you smoke in one sitting?:Hard to say. If I'm on the go I'll take a few hits off my vape pen. When I'm at home I've always got a loaded bong or pipe near me, but I may only take a hit or two every couple hours, just depending on how I feel.
Do you know how to roll a joint?:With my rolling machine, LOL.
How many people do you like to smoke with, if any?:I'm usually a solo smoker but now and again I like to smoke with a good friend.
Do you smoke by yourself, ever?:Always.
Describe the weirdest high you've ever had.:The first time I did a dab was really fucking weird just because I didn't know what to expect.
Describe the best high you've ever had.:The first time I smoked legally.
What type of weed do you like the best?:Indica strains, although Pineapple Express is one of my all-time faves.
Do you get the munchies when you're high?:YES SO BADLY. I'm a munchie freak.
If so, what do you enjoy eating?:Pretty much anything.
Do you get cottonmouth?:Not usually but it's been known to happen from time to time.
At what age did you start smoking pot?:I smoked for the first time when I was 15.
Have you ever driven while you were high?:Yes.
Who got you started on smoking pot?:A friend in high school.
What made you want to smoke?:I was curious.
Do you ever have to be in a certain mood to smoke?:Not really. I try not to smoke in any case where I might be misusing weed, but I find it can be very helpful in sorting out anger or sadness and helping gain perspective.
Do you enjoy watching movies or television while you're high?:I love watching movies and television regardless but my nighttime bowl & TV shows is one of the best parts of my day.
Do you ever go to school or work high?:I didn't used to, but as my tolerance has grown I've found I can take a few tokes off a vape or hit the bowl a couple times before work and it puts me in just the right mood.
Do you ever feel the urge to clean while you're stoned?:I don't feel the urge to clean, ever.
What's the most money you've ever spent on weed?:A typical dispensary trip for me is about $150.
Have you ever had weed laced with anything?:I'm not sure.
If so, what?:n/a
When you get stoned, do your eyes get red/bloodshot?:Not really!
Do you always feel really burnt out the next day?:I smoke every day so no.
Do your parents know that you smoke?:Yes. My mother knows I'm a patient and although she grew up in a very different time, she supports my happiness and my health.
Do they care?:Whoops, see above.
Did they smoke when they were your age?:Yep.
Maybe they still smoke?:Definitely not. My mother is as sober as they come.
About how many dealers do you know?:I don't know any, I buy my weed legally.
Have you ever had homegrown stuff?:I have! A lot of the weed we had in Hawaii was small time grow, it's delicious. Love me some sun grown pot.
Do you (or have you ever) grow your own weed?:No. I've thought about it but I'm not very good at gardening
Would you, or have you ever, smoke weed out of an apple?:I have.
Have you ever had sex while you were high?:Yes.
If so, did it feel any better than it would if you were sober?:Maybe? I better try 'em side by side and compare ;)
Do you get really horny while you're stoned?:Sometimes, but I get really horny regardless, I'm a human being lol.
Where do you get your smoking devices?:I buy cute pipes on Etsy but larger pieces (bongs and rigs) I buy at local smoke shops. I used to work next to one that gave me a killer deal on most of my glass.
Where do you get your rolling paper?:Same as above.
Do you bring your own weed, or do you just smoke everyone elses?:I'm not much of a social smoker but if I know I'm meeting up with another pothead I'll always bring some bud.
What is your opinion on smoking everyone elses weed at a party?:Suppose it depends on the circumstances but weed isn't cheap, if you aren't contributing in some way then why are you even here???
Have you ever tried a blueberry?:Like the fruit?
Describe the craziest thing you've ever done high.:Maybe going in to Costco. I bought like 500 dollars worth of the most random food.
Do you celebrate 420?:I work until 4:30 so I only smoke at 4:20 on the weekends. I've never actually celebrated 4/20 the day but this year I'm looking forward to it.
Or is basically everyday 420 for you?:I mean like I said I smoke every day so...
Do you only smoke with people you know, or do you smoke with anyone?:I'm pretty introverted by nature so it's not really in me to spark up a jay with somebody I don't know.
Have you ever been caught by the police?:No, thank goodness.
Have you ever been caught by your parents?:Nope.
Have you ever been searched?:No!
Is there a certain spot you like to smoke at?:I used to love smoking at this beach on Oahu, but I don't live there anymore :( Here I like to go on drives up around Red Rock, there are some really secluded and beautiful spots I think would be perfect to sesh.
What kind of music do you enjoy listening to while you smoke?:All kinds! Jesus, I listen to every kind of music there is. Lately I've been really digging alt-J, Nine Inch Nails and Led Zeppelin.
Do you geek out a lot?:Like zone out? I guess. I don't really care to have long conversations when I'm high.
Have you ever, or do you, smoke at a concert?:A few weeks ago I smoked before a concert, but I don't usually smoke in public because I am not interested in going to jail.
If you are in a band, would you ever go on stage while stoned?:I'm not in a band, so.
Do you think your performance would be better or worse?:n/a
Do you ever smoke in your bedroom?:I am right now :P I usually do, actually. It's the best place!
Have you ever been drug tested?:Sure, when I've tried to get a job.
Have you ever made hash brownies?:I've made them and I've ate them.
Did you like them?:Mine weren't very good but the ones I bought were.
Was the high any different than a high that you get when you smoke?:I just sleep for a long time when I'm edible high.
Do you LOVE weed?:Fuck yea!!!