
4:30 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

High, friends!

I'm the Weed Kween, but you can call me Ruthie. I'm a medical marijuana patient in Nevada. I'm also a musician's girl, a dog mom, a video game enthusiast and an office worker when it suits me. I started this blog to talk about something that is important to me--weed--and to help normalize my medicine. 

A few notes about me: I am a legal medicinal patient and everything depicted on this blog is done so legally. I don't sell weed and I won't help you access weed illegally (I respect your hustle, but it's not for me). I medicate primarily for my anxiety and pain relating to my cystic ovaries, although I find cannabis helps me in more ways than one. I prefer hybrid strains (my favourite strain is Agent Orange). All products and medicine featured on this blog have been purchased by me, unless otherwise specified. 

I don't have all the answers, but I'm always interested to learn more about this wonderful plant, and I love discovering new things! If you know of a product, strain, event or special interest piece you think I should check out, shoot me an email at weeedkweeen@gmail.com. Until next time! xx